Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Maddi Kay is now 2 months!!

Baby's Weight: Madison now weighs 11lbs and 4 oz. Up four lbs since birth :). Growing way tooo fast for mommy!

Baby's Length: Madison was measured at 22.5 inches at her check-up appointment yesterday. Grown three inches!! Craziness.

Baby's Routine: No real routine during the day.. we just go with the flow. Maddi sleeps and eats whenever she pleases throughout the day. However, we have established a bit of a nighttime routine. Around 8:30 or 9pm we give Maddi her bath, swaddle her in her swaddleme blanket, nurse her and she is out. My princess will sleep pretty consistently through the night after her last feed. Generally from about 10pm until 6am. Although, last night was rough...I blame the vaccinations for that though. 

Miss Maddi and her favorite--BATH TIME! :)

New Foods I Liked: Baby Maddi is still being breastfed. Will also have formula when needed. She is on the "strict milk" diet. haha. Couple more months before we can begin feeding other foods :)

New Discoveries I Made: Madison has discovered her hands! She loves to suck on them. Also a sign of hunger, so it can sometimes confuse momma! LOVES ceiling fans--I hear most babies do. But definitely a good babysitter when I need to get a few dishes done! :) She's still liking bright lights..sunshine, blue LED light coming from the fan, the color and movement on t.v., etc.

My Accomplishments: Maddi's head control is almost perfected :). Still doing her "mini push-ups" during tummy time and have her sitting in her bumbo a few minutes a day. She LOVES to sit up.

Places I Went: Madison went to Seattle with mommy and daddy and Auntie Amanda and Uncle Sam. We went to Pike's Place to the Farmer's Market. We also went to the Rainforest Cafe. Yummy. Madison also took her second trip to Cali. We spent a little over 2 weeks at Grandma and Grandpa's house. She visited her aunties and uncles.

Special Memories: Spending over two weeks in Cali with my parents and Maddi was amazing. We were able to see so many people and everyday brought a great memory. Maddi met some more aunties, great-great aunties, uncle timmy, and cousins. 

Sending Daddy a special birthday message--Daddy's birthday was August 14th.  

Madison Kay-Jean at 2 months old:

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