Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Madison's Birth Story

*This is a little over a month late, but definitely deserves a post.

On Friday, June 24th, I had my bi-weekly visit with Dr. Eun to check the usual blood pressure and weight gain and an NST to make sure everything was still well with baby. Dr. Eun said I was only dilated 1 cm and 80% effaced. He also assured me that if she was not here on her own, she would be here by the 4th of July. As I walked out the door, he said "Just don't have her on Sunday, I have a wedding to go to". I thought to myself, I doubt she will be here on her due date and I was hoping she'd at least come on her own. No induction please.

Friday night, Chris and I went to eat at BJ's Brewhouse so I could fulfill a Santa Fe Salad craving. Little did I know, that'd be my last meal before having my precious babygirl.

Later that evening, I began having a few contractions but nothing I was too concerned about. 1 am early Saturday morning (June 25th), I began having what seemed like consistent contractions and horrible back labor. I decided to head to the hospital around 11:30 am Saturday morning--The nurse checked me and I had progressed to 2 cm and was 100% effaced since my appointment the day before. However, my cervix was still high so the nurse went ahead and sent me home. I was devastated because I was in so much pain and was sooo exhausted. The nurse gave me a shot to help with sleep since I had been up for more than 24 hours at that point. As soon as we got home, I went straight to the bedroom to get some sleep. Annnnd FYI, sleep is nearly impossible to get while having contractions. I was able to relax and rest a little bit before contractions started getting really hard and painful.

About 8:30pm Saturday night, Chris ran a hot bath for me to help with the contractions and horrible back labor that I was having.

9:30 pm rolled around and my contractions were so painful that I was in tears. Chris and my mother in law thought I should head back to the hospital but, I thought I was just a wuss and did not tolerate pain well. I was only 2 cm the last time I went in..and I was in so much pain. I wanted to be sure when I went back to the hospital, I was going to stay!! I was not going back until I was going to be admitted.

Around 11pm, I got up to use the restroom and seen lots of blood. That FREAKED me out--so I figured, maybe it is time to go.

11:30pm: We arrived at the hospital. The nurse checked me and said "Oh no, you're 8 and a half cm--you're not going anywhere". Hooray! I was in shock. Excitement and nervousness set in. I was going to be a mommy to a babygirl soon! The nurse began putting an IV in my hand and asked if I'd like any pain medicine..Epidural or something to "knock the edge off". I declined at the moment and said we could play it by ear.

I progressed from 8 and a half cm to 10 cm in the next hour and around 12:30 a.m. I felt the urge to push. Everything progressed so quickly that I did not get any pain medicine. My doctor was not at the hospital yet, so "no pushing" was allowed. My body was naturally pushing--it is definitely difficult to try to hold a push when your body does it naturally. Doctor made it around 1 a.m. and after 45 mins of pushing at 1:45 a.m. on June 26th, my baby girl was born (ON HER DUE DATE--Doctor still made it to the wedding he had planned. haha!) Chris got to cut the cord and even got a little teary eyed. Madison Kay-Jean Monchamp weighed 7lbs 5 oz and was 20.5 inches long. She has a head full of black hair and is a spitting image of her daddy--she is beautiful. She does have mommy's long legs though. ;)

Here she is (just a few minutes old):


A special side story: My mom was here in Washington for 2 weeks prior to Madison's birth. She had to head back to California to take a test for a job. She was upset and stressed thinking she would not make it back to Washington before the birth of her granddaughter. She and my dad both made it right at 11:30pm when I was being admitted to the hospital. My mom later learned she did EXCELLENT on her test and was offered the job at the post office. My parents made it with 2 hours to spare, my mom passed the test and received the job offer--this could not have been planned by me or her--I have the big man upstairs to thank for that. God had this plan all along. I am so grateful for his plan. :)

The birth of my daughter was so surreal and has definitely left an imprint on my heart--the best day of my life. I am a mommy.. Wow! Loving every minute of it.. Here is to our future Maddi Kay! Mommy loves you sooo much.

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